Steen, Dybboe, Steen Dybboe, Microsoft BI Consultant

Who am I?

I am an independent Microsoft BI consultant and educator with large experience in all stages of BI development. My focus is on Microsoft SQL Server and has been since SQL Server 6.5.

Through my work as an IT consultant, I have experience from developing databases and data warehouses, in anything from simple to some of the most complex solutions in Denmark.

On the side, I have been teaching IT related subjects on EDB-skolen, Danish Technological Institute, while also creating specialized company tailored courses. I have often been used as speaker in IT related forums.


Technologically I excel in a large variety of platforms, but focus primarily on technologies related to Microsoft BI Stack;

SQL Server Database udvikling, including SQL Datawarehouse
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and BIML
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
Microsoft Fabric and Power Platform in general

Apart from these I have worked with Azure technologies in general, Container based development and others.


Over the years, I have worked with a large variety of programming languages.
SQL and C# have been central in my work, but I have have used and taught MDX, R, Python, C++, Java, VB and others.